Heat Relief Tips:
- Use box or ceiling fans to increase air circulation throughout your home
- Drink lots of water
- Stay downstairs as often as possible, hot air rises
- Eliminate extraneous sources of heat, such as computers or ovens
- Drink less caffeine or alcohol, both promote dehydration
- Avoid protein rich meals, that can increase metabolism and raise body temperature
- Use public buildings with air-conditioning
- Keep your car cool
- Use heavy drapes to block heat and lower the electricity bill
- Keep lights off during the day time
- Know the heat stroke symptoms; nausea, vomiting, temperature, headache, racing heart, rapid breathing, flushed skin
- Provide lots of shade and water for your pet’s
- Limit your pet’s exercise on hot days, and be careful of the paws on cement!
- Add face protecting sunscreen every day
- Protect those lips, add some SPF15 lipstick to your shopping spree