The VINCE Show

Vince Coglianese hosts “The VINCE Show” on WTMA, Monday through Friday from 12noon to 3 pm, along with the VINCE podcast delivered at 10 eastern weekday mornings. The VINCE podcast is available on, all major podcast platforms, and on Rumble. 

With nearly two decades of experience in conservative journalism and broadcasting, Vince is a trusted voice in the industry. 

Vince was the former editor-in-chief of The Daily Caller before transitioning to become The Daily Caller’s editorial director. 

A longtime talk radio fan, Vince’s first foray into the medium came when — as a high school senior — he joined a weekly panel show on “The Talk Station,” WTKF and WJNC, in Morehead City, N.C. Vince also served as the sports anchor for a television program airing on Camp Lejeune, NC’s LCTV-10. 

After graduating from DeSales University with a degree in Political Science, Vince joined “The Talk Station” full-time as a host and station manager for the company’s Jacksonville, N.C. presence. While in North Carolina, he also served as the web editor for 

Vince enjoys Italian food, his dogs, and untangling his fly-fishing line from every single tree. 
