Ivy League Schools Rated Worst by Free Speech Group

Four elite Ivy League institutions ranked at the bottom of 251 U.S. colleges and universities for their free speech climate as rated by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, with Harvard finishing last for the second straight year.

FIRE published its College Free Speech Rankings Friday, with Harvard tying a record it set last year with a 0.00 score and an “abysmal” rating. But it was not alone. Columbia University also was given a 0.00 score and “abysmal” rating; and New York University, which finished 249th, was given an “abysmal” rating but had a 3.33 score. The University of Pennsylvania finished 248th, with a “very poor” rating and 12.53 score.

“With scores ranging from zero to 100, NYU plummeted nearly 30 points this year, and Columbia fared even worse, becoming the second school after Harvard to ever receive a zero,” Sean Stevens, FIRE’s chief research analyst, wrote in a news release.

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