Matt Gaetz Defeats McCarthy-Backed Challenger

In a decisive victory, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., defeated his Republican primary opponent, Aaron Dimmock, delivering a significant blow to former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s efforts to unseat him, Politico reported.

In a high-stakes Republican primary on Tuesday, Gaetz secured a resounding victory over Navy veteran Aaron Dimmock, a challenger backed by McCarthy. Gaetz’s triumph marks a significant setback for McCarthy, who had sought retribution against those responsible for his ouster from the House speakership last October.

Despite facing intense scrutiny, including a House Ethics Committee investigation and attack ads funded by a McCarthy-aligned super PAC, Gaetz emerged victorious. The ads highlighted allegations of illegal drug use and accusations that Gaetz paid for sex with a minor, charges the congressman has consistently denied. The Department of Justice previously investigated these claims but declined to press charges.

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