In a wide-ranging interview on Newsmax’s new show, “Savage Nation,” conservative commentator Tucker Carlson said he believes America is “coming back to the center” now that President Donald Trump is back in the White House.
Host Dr. Michael Savage asked Carlson if he agreed that the country is experiencing a renaissance and is set to have the “four best years of our lives,” to which Carlson replied, “I really fervently hope so.”
“It’s such a wonderful country, the best country led by the worst people,” Carslon said Sunday. “I hope that they are out of the way … As Trump said in his inaugural, it’s just common sense. This is not a triumph of ideology. We’re not whiplashing from one extreme to another. I think we’re coming back to the center. At best, anyway, we’re coming back to the center of reasonable behavior, merit-based rewards, color-blind assessments, trying to have policies that help actual people — not some crazed idea that you came up with in the graduate school of sociology at Yale. Just normal people have some power once again. That’s the goal, anyway, that’s the promise. I think we can do it, I do.”
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